Friday, October 6, 2017

Next ISIS already in the making

Russian security chief supposedly says that the next terrorist group is already in the making

The Media...

I think that the media is acting like a diversion, is distracting us from what's truly important. We need to do our research. We must recognize that all of the stories written by the media in it's entirety is immense. And because it is so immense, it also makes for a world that is quite complicated! These are my thoughts on news events. These days we don't know, or at least cannot be sure right away, whether news from source A is correct, or news from source B is correct! I find the daily reporting of news events as making up something that is very complicated. It's very difficult to determine who is telling the truth, and who isn't. But besides news events, I think that the daily deluge of information that is present on social media is enough to make for a very tough time. It is tough for my mind to evaluate everything and come to a single conclusion regarding all of this information, and that information can, though doesn't necessarily include, news events. I currently have a feeling that something major is about to occur. I base this on the things that I've been reading recently about N. Korea, Trump, as well as other major topics. We've heard recently about a drunk man from Wyoming claiming that there will be an alien invasion in 2018. Well okay, that might not be an ideal example, but out of all of the strange news that comes to us from news sources that aren't considered "mainstream", I think that despite the fact that they may sound outright insane or crazy to most people, I honestly think that they might have some truth to them! I think that there are specific details from "wacky stories" that, when collected, can be combined or brought together, to form a story that is very relevant; in fact, this resulting story can actually hint at an oncoming event in the news. That's why, as I've just mentioned, when it has to do with "wacky stories", I think that there really is something more to them! Thanks for reading.

A Meteor Predicted By Me

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Something Big Happens Tomorrow!

I got a feeling that something big's going to happen tomorrow in the news! I'm not sure what it will be, but I'll update you when I can.

Getting There...

We've still got a ways to go, but we're getting there! Look at my last post! So I'm currently waiting for the first snow of the season, and we're getting close! A low of 41?! Not enough for snow but...

Russia To Supposedly Declare War With United States

I Have It Too Good

Shit! I Have It Too Good. I have it too good so as a result I must resort to being a poor person...sure you're life might've been worse, but if it's you that I'm talking about, then that was probably the past; at least that's how it is with the people that I talk about. I'm looking to be better off not worse.  But still, I think they may be right. 😧 I sleep whenever I'm bored. I get about 10 to 15 hours of sleep a day. It makes me feel like shit. I'm stressed and nervous like fuck so I can argue that my life is overrated. So why say that I have it too good? Yeah well, it goes deeper than that. I have to strain my mind to resolve everything. Are my parents right, or am I right? I can't believe it. Like I just mentioned, it takes to strain my mind to resolve this issue which is like trying to solve anything that you can possibly imagine! Stop being so critical of me, it "hurts". Quite honestly, it hurts in the sense that it's just like pain, literally.
Saturday night was never meant to do right.

Does A Picture Do It Justice? Reality VS Photography

Does a photo do reality justice? That is the question that I will be exploring today! Despite the fact that we have advanced to be able to produce three dimensional photography and video, there is still a difference between a photo and what something looks like in reality; that is, how it looks like to human vision. But have you ever wondered why, or how, this is? Even though a photo can capture as many details as a human's eyes can, especially after post processing, there's still a difference. The light and dark areas or contrast in a photo doesn't change; it's static. On the other hand, what we see changes according to what area we look at. An ideal photo that would represent reality well would change according to which area we were looking at. If we were to look at an area that would be in shadow, then the whole photo, or at least the area that we are looking at, would become brighter. And if we were looking at an area that is brighter than the rest of the image, then that area should become darker. Therefore, contrast would probably change. There; that's the difference between a photo and reality. Our vision is adaptive, but a photo isn't. A photo cannot adapt to contrast or light and dark as it doesn't change.

Monday, September 25, 2017

I want this car!

I Want This For My Birthday

I want this phone

What On Earth?!

Why I Think The World Is Changing

The world is changing. Microscopic nanoparticles are interfering with weather and/or climate. Subarctic climate causing warm air be pushed north, while cold frigid air be pushed south, mix with equatorial microcurrents and shift wind shear into a parallel dimension! And might I also say that there is water on Mars, water beyond our system. My pool is like a freaking sphere made up of approximately 75 percent water and many elements in between and is floating in the middle of space. You know, some of this information might sound funny but it is at least partly true! Listen, when I go to set up a campfire will I be worried that the microclimate will at least theoretically be influenced to a significant extent? Heat dissipates into space at an absolutely astounding rate. Think of how much energy is generated in the form of heat from the use of many millions and millions of cars, and large vehicles. It's just about unthinkable that all of that heat doesn't warm up the planet when many millions of vehicles are in use simultaneously! I mean, it's like many hundreds or thousands of thermonuclear weapons are going off! The eruption of a supervolcano such as that in Yellowstone would be good for science in my opinion, because it would provide science some time to analyze and register the changes that are occurring because of naturally caused climate change (cooling). Are those immense plumes of dust meant to protect us from a cosmic gamma ray burst? Cars don't increase or decrease albedo significantly, do they? Regardless of what the answer might be, I still think that it was absolutely unnecessary to take over North America and take it away from native peoples. Europeans, in my opinion, are greedy and want more than they can afford, at least that is true in general, maybe not for every single one. The native Americans have lived rather primitively, and I think are happy. They seem to take joy in what they have. European colonizers then took away much of what they had. I think that it would be better just not even knowing that this part of history even happened.

The Mysterious Domestic Cat Of The Alps

The US Has Declared War!

At least according to Kim JongUn

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Making A Burning Laser: My Experience

So today I wanted to try and turn my laser into a burning one. I don't know if it worked (I'm not sure), although I'm certain that it got brighter because now when I shine it onto my arm I can feel something, whereas before I couldn't.

Get This Magazine! (Volume 317)!!!!!!!!!

Interesting magazine. Volume 317, #4
This magazine I think will give us a major "paradigm shift" in science and I think that reading it might make us really smart!!!!!

I want to watch this program

There's this program that I want to watch, it's called chemicals of reality. On Youtube? Patreon page of Strange Mysteries, two dollars per month. I've currrently got curiositystream but I'll have to give that one a try as well.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Constantly Updating This Post

"Little rocket man. we're gonna do it, because we really have no choice. Now he's talking about a massive weapon exploding over the ocean- the Pacific goes Cancer, so goes so many problems. He's watching us like noone's ever watched us before."
"You are protected. Nobody's going to mess with our people. Nobody's going to play games. Nobody's going to play games like that with us."
"We're going to handle it."
"Go out and get out the vote. But I'm going to tell you, I'm just going to tell you this quick story. Why do I like Luther?..."
"The 1st go around on health care, I've been saying, I've been hearing, repeal and replace"
"But I have to tell you this story, because we're really here for Luther Strange. I'm really here for the people of Alabama..."
"You got to speak to Jeff Sessions about that. So, here's what happens (inexplicable) with...

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Remember THe Good Times?

Remember the good times? Because I never had any. Flashlights, meteors and northern lights, campfires, tent camping, and all of the good stuff under the sun?

Did You know, That The Big Bang Wasn't The Beginning?

Mitä minulle tapahtuu ?!

Snapback 21. syyskuuta 2017, syksyn ensimmäinen päivä.
Olen vain amerikkalainen täällä Michiganissa. Viimeinen uneni oli miehestä,
jolla oli takapää, joka jatkui minun perässeni etsimässä minua veitsellä kädessä.
Ennen kuin unelma päättyi, hän osoitti minulle konepistoolin. Löysin melkoisen mahdottoman
herätä tästä unesta! Löysin ihmisiä, jotka juoksivat ympäriinsä, eivät tietäen, kulkisivatko
he kaveri tai kaveri. Urospuoliset poliisit ilmestyivät miehen huoneeseen, mutta tukivat
alas, kun he löysivät kaverin sidottuna tuoliin. Toivoin, että poliisit ottaisivat hänet
säilöön, mutta ei siksi, että hänellä oli kaksi naispuolista upseeria, jotka pakotettiin
sympatisoimaan hänen kanssaan. Tunsin kuin olisin oksentanut. Auttaisitko minua. Pyydän,
että korkeammat voimat, jotka sääntelevät meitä, auttavat minua, sillä minulla on pahoja
asioita, jopa minun unissani!

My Dream last night

Snapback to September 21, 2017, the first day of autumn. I'm just an American here in Michigan. My last dream was about a man with a snapback that kept coming after me, looking for me, with a knife in his hand. Before the dream ended though, he pointed a machine gun at me. I found it pretty much impossible to wake up from this dream! I found people running around, not knowing if they were running from or towards the guy. The male cops showed up at the man's apartment but backed down when they found a guy tied to a chair. I was hoping the cops would take him into custody but didn't because he had two female officers forced to sympathize with him. I felt like I was going to vomit. Please help me. May the higher power that rules over us please help me, for I have bad things happening to me, even in my sleep!

Today, this is my premonition...

Today. Something major will happen, likely in the early morning. It may happen in Europe and may be a bad event. There may be a meteor as well. That is my premonition.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Interesting... maybe I can make some interesting images using shortwave UVIVF? they even have lamps that emit light at 185nm. I'm sure it might be a challenge photographing at such small wavelengths, but I want to know what I could discover. I would like to map out shortwave, midwave, and longwave UV into the RGB spectrum just like I did to the full spectrum images on my photostream! I'm sure that it can be dangerous but I could get special glasses to protect my eyes, and maybe I would discover something compelling? I think that this would work better than having a full spectrum modified camera!

Iranian Pres. Take On Trump's Comments

A Premonition That Didn't Come True Yet...

 A premonition that didn't come true. At least not yet.

I'm dead inside

I'm dead inside. I hate this fucking shit!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Flashlight Review; Sale down from $79.99 to $15.99.

I'm tempted to but new stuff. I have practiced restraint from buying things that are rather expensive, though they aren't necessarily worth the money anyways. Today I got in the mail an Elite Tactical link:  
This flashlight was on sale, at $15.99, down from $79.99. It's a good buy so far, it does in fact give out 1000 lumens and has the 5 modes. It has a durable construction.

Did My Last Premonition Come True? (update)

Did My Last Premonition Come True? Decide for yourself!
Since then, this week, we've had a major earthquake in Mexico that has killed about 116 or more people, as well as a major hurricane and consider Trump's comments on North Korea. I had a feeling that major event or more would happen this week. Stay tuned, there will still be major events this week, I think one of them will happen tomorrow morning either in US or Eastern Europe. A fireball may blaze across the sky in the US. I'm hoping to be more accurate as I try more.

Trump Said That US May Have To "Totally Destroy" N. Korea

US sanctions backfire

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Autumn; an intriguing time for full spectrum photography

I can't wait for autumn! As opposed to using a full spectrum camera, I set a custom white balance for each color spectrum; UV, Visible, and IT. A regular full spectrum camera would instead set a custom white balance for the full spectrum in general. Therefore, I consider my full spectrum photography as more representative of what reality actually looks like, or how it should be interpreted. Do we actually know if a full spectrum camera sets an accurate white balance for each spectrum of light? That's something that I'd be compelled to figure out, although I'm just about sure that that's not the case. Let's wait and see what colors autumn brings! And maybe I can map individual UV spectrum using a full spectrum camera some day!?

Tropical Storm Lee

Tropical Storm Lee will become a major hurricane. I think that it will move west, north, then west again over either North Carolina or New England. Just you wait and see that I'm correct

Mapping Invisible colors into the Visible Spectrum!

So not too far back, I decided to use a UV, visible, and IR image of the same leaf and combined them together in order to map the UV, VIS, & IR spectrums into our visible spectrum of red, green and blue. The results are at  Unfortunately, the images didn't align well with each other as there were very slight but noticeable differences in the setup. Please try this out yourself, I want to see how the world looks like!

Friday, September 15, 2017


I posted on Facebook that there would be something to happen in Europe tomorrow, and it did! I also posted on someone's profile, but am having trouble posting that here

Thursday, September 14, 2017

I Have A Premonition

I Have A Premonition that I will die next week, I just don't know which year. I'm drowning in fear, deep inside fear of the unknown please no help, everybody get away!

Something Bad Happen Next Week

Something dire happen next week, not just in the world, but also to me. May G** help me.

A Plea For Help

Help! I got a bad feeling about tomorrow, the 15th of September! Something bad might happen in Europe, maybe Eastern Europe

Something major about to happen?

Something major about to happen on September 15?

Ultravioletti lähtee näkyvien lehtien sijaan

Ultravioletti lähtee näkyvien lehtien sijaan

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

More Compelling Images Coming!

I have more compelling images coming. I have done a comparison of UV flourescence on a leaf, as well as a combination of all light spectrums that range from UV to IR. The results are simply astounding! Wishing I could also do some micro photography using this process!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Mitä opin tällä viikolla!

Tällä viikolla opin, että tutkijat ovat kääntäneet aivovaurion siitä, että hukkui joku, oppinut uudenlaisen salaman tyypistä sekä uudenlaisen stratosfäärin ilmiöitä, jotka ovat mukana pohjoisten valojen kirkkaana valkoisena kaarena, sekä nukkumassa noin 3 tuntia päivässä saadaksesi enemmän työtä. Sain tietää, että mikrofotografiakokeiluni ei todennäköisesti toimi, koska tein joitain kokeiluja ja virheitä, eikä mitään mielenkiintoista ollut. Opin, että maailman tapahtumien kuunteleminen saattaa olla järjetöntä, koska se voi tehdä sinut masentuneemmaksi ja et voi tehdä paljon tapahtumista maailman tapahtumista. Opin myös uusia asioita uusimman American Scientist -lehden julkaisusta, joka kertoo uusista maallisista maailmasta! Opin, että onnellinen musiikki voi tai voisi olla luovuuden rooli. Joten se on kääre. Mitä muuta olet valmis heittämään, että olet löytänyt mielenkiintoisen tämän viikon? Kaikki linkit olisivat suuresti arvokkaita! Oi joo, ja minä myös opin, että minulle

I Don't Know, Should I?!

Should I boost the posts for $3 each?!

What I learned this week

This week I learned that scientists have reversed brain damage from someone that drowned, learned about a new type of lightning as well as a new type of stratospheric phenomena that accompanies the northern lights in the form of a bright white arc, as well as sleeping for about 3 hours each day to get more done. I learned that my microphotography experiment will probably not work because I did some trial and error and nothing interesting came up. I learned that listening to world events might as well be pointless because it may make you more depressed and you can't do much about world events yourself. I also learned new stuff from the newest edition of American Scientist magazine that tells about new potentially earthlike worlds! I learned that happy music can or might play a role in creativity. So that's a wrap. Anything else you'd be willing to throw in that you found interesting this week? Any links would be greatly appreciated!
Oh yeah, and I also learned that there might as well be no more hope left for me.

The Effect Of Music On Creativity

New link tells about the effect of music on creativity!!!!!

A Streak Of Unexplained Events, Originating In the mind's eye, and compiled into reality

A Streak Of Unexplained Events, Originating In the mind's eye, and compiled into reality

Monday, September 11, 2017

improvised Polarized Microphotography...?

So as you may already know, I'm fascinated by microphotography, which is, photography through a microscope. I would like to do some 4k time lapse of microscopic processes that might occur over many days, such as the turning of leaves from green to colorful, or the growth of fungi in Ultraviolet fluorescence microphotography! Unfortunately, the light that is given off from the UV torch seems to be different from that given off from a Backlight. Anyhow, I'm writing this post because I think I may have a new idea in store! I've got a microscope and even a polarizing filter. Could I improvise and somehow attach the polarizing filter to the microscope?
Once this issue gets solved and if it is possible, then I would put a wireless LCD screen on the bottom of the scope. Next I would put a piece of flat glass such as a microscope slide, raised above the screen, and then put a transparent/translucent specimen on the piece of glass. Then I would have to think about how to revolve the Polarizing filter to get varying angles of polarity. If there are any missing instructions in this "recipe" (recipe is just figuratively speaking) then I'm sure that me or even yourself could figure it out. I mean, it really isn't difficult, it's basically just a matter of improvising. I could then create a budget polarizing microscope, and create spectacular photos of, for example, ice crystals. I'm going to have to try this as soon as I can and if I do, then I will try to report on my findings. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention one caveat though; is the light from the LCD monitor enough to damage my camera, as it's magnified by the microscope? That's my concern. All of my work and improvisation could be for nothing. I would like some input from maybe a scientist though.

Intriguing Thinker Now On Facebook!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Premonition for today

What does it mean
when music enlightens our mind
and colorful flashes make earthquakes?
Banana strawberry computer virus,
like a scientific discovery.
Computer virus and scientific discovery for today?
Heräsin tänään keskiyöllä. Minulla on huono tunne tänään. Asia menee ympyrän ympärille värikäs vilkkuva maanjäristys ja en voi nähdä sitä, että voin saada itseni mansikka ja banaani. Lisää musiikkia valaisemaan tunteitani ja lähteä nyt kertomaan minulle, mikä on maaginen sieni kasvaa nopeammin, kun tuuli kasvaa ja kasvaa hitaasti, kun tuuli on heikko.

Пробуждение в полночь; что это значит

Я проснулся сегодня в полночь. Сегодня я плохо себя чувствую. Дело идет в кругах вокруг яркого мигающего землетрясения, и я не могу догадаться, что я могу получить себе клубнику и банан. Больше музыки, чтобы просветить мои эмоции и пойти сейчас, чтобы рассказать мне о том, что будет волшебным грибом, растущим быстрее, когда ветер становится сильнее и медленнее, когда ветер слабый. Пробуждение в полночь; что это значит для меня, по крайней мере. Что значит пробудиться в полночь в одиннадцатом сентябре 2017 года?
6,425 is the magic number

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Early Snow

I am predicting early snow this year in Eastern US.

May Time Spare Me

May time spare Me and get out of my life!!!!!!!!

Premonition starting to come true?

Will there be a major scientific discovery this week?


Jose will find a home in DC?

RE: My Hurricane Prediction

I wrote you that Jose would be the major news maker, not Irma. As predicted, Irma is getting weaker and so is Katia! Irma was forecast to impact Florida as a category 5, but is now category 3.
Here is a snapshot of the forecast that the experts posted and my original post!
just wait and see whether or not the last part of my premonition comes true
Expert analysis vs my own analysis!

Friday, September 8, 2017

My Hurricane Premonition. Major Hurricane Possible, but what is next? My Prediction about the future

This day we have hurricanes such as Jose, Katia, and Irma. So, we could postulate a possible prediction about a hurricane in general. I say to the most of my ability, and to the highest of truths, that out of the three hurricanes currently in progress, Jose, Katia, and Irma, only one will be catastrophic. And it sure won't be Irma. Irma will likely disintegrate. After Jose will come tropical storm off the coast of Africa some time around September, let's see today's Sept 8, so right about Sept 13 or 12th will form category 2 hurricane which will come west for several thousands of miles, then take a turn North. It will then keep going North after gaining immense strength in the warm waters off of the coast of the Bahamas. On about the 16th of September, this system might turn directly west, with immense speed, going over either Pennsylvania or Virginia, with a speed of at least 15 mph, if not much faster. It will bring immense flooding to Eastern United States, and will remain as a tropical storm or maybe even hurricane as it is still in Virginia. It will then turn North.

Monday, September 4, 2017

I've got some extremely ominous feelings

For these events should happen tomorrow (premonition about Sept. 5, 2017)

For it will be a yellow color, fast and going south. 3:24 PM Eastern time, September 5, 2017. And for a natural disaster at 6:00 AM on September 5, 2017 somewhere in Asia, likely an earthquake or flood. An incident, orange or purple plane, going east to west between Europe and another country, likely America or Russia.

I'm Pretty Sure...

I'm pretty sure that it won't get any warmer this season. I'm afraid that we're officially in the midst of Autumn
Computer Virus and Major Scientific Discovery this week. Tomorrow?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

I Feel Condemned

This may sound like a joke, however, I wish that I didn't have to think about anything or know anything, because that would've been better.
I feel condemned, that's why. I will be condemned.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Just thought about getting this out there!

I just though that I would get this out there, across to everyone... I will keep getting worse, I just know it. I feel anguish and ominous feelings, however, that's only an understatement. I just thought that I should get this across to everyone. It's really important and in writing so, I'm being totally honest.

Just thought about getting this out there!

I feel as though I am condemned. Not because I'm a bad person but because, it's how I feel. There is definitely the sense that I will be condemned. What can I do though, other than to write this down using a casual style, and using understatements?

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Tropical Storm Harvey Is Stationary

Category 4 superstorm that brought with it gusts of over 150mph and winds of 130 mph, rapidly disintegrates into tropical storm, remaining stationary over Texas

2016 Historical Weather Anomaly In Eaton Rapids; Going Back In History!

Let's go back in history, to November 2016 to look at a weather anomaly! Look at how warm it got, the 70's! Thunderstorms at night, and a record of 75 degrees for Charlotte, Michigan 


Why did I have to end up with such a boring life? It's grueling in it's own sense.

Listen To This!!!!

Is "Acceptable" A Valid Synonym For Good?

There are many things in today's world that are considered good: food, movies, music, as well as other things. However, I personally don't think that the word "good" can be a replacement for the word "acceptable". Why? Because goodness without morality or without ethics shouldn't be considered acceptable.

Friday, August 25, 2017

My Lottery Numbers, Lucky Number 7!!!!!!!!!!!

I will post the lottery numbers that I will choose for the next drawing, so stay up to date! These were the last numbers, which make this a free ticket! I made 7 my first number, then added it as a mega number. This image doesn't practically tell you anything, until you view the next at full size

After Rapid Intensification, Harvey Enters Texas

As Harvey enters Texas, it will probably diminish in status to a mere tropical storm, dumping up to about three feet of rain in some areas. However, Harvey has a chance of restructuring! This comes twelve years since any major hurricane has impacted the United States.

Diseas Is Called Man

Image may contain: text and outdoor

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Extreme meditation! Guy walks 24,000 feet in elevation in shorts!

Mediation can result in some extreme psychological states! There is a Scandinavian man who can regulate his body temperature even in some extreme conditions. He is able to keep his temperatures stable within a tenth of a degree, while an average person's temperature would fall by about 15 degrees! This guy has climbed about 24,000 feet of elevation in shorts!

Memories passed down over generations

Are memories passed down over generations?!

Relationship Between Warming Planet And Moisture

Whether you think that climate change is real or not, here is an article that for every 1 degree Celcius that the Earth warms, there is a 7 percent increase in water vapor Even if climate change is not real, or at least if climate change is not caused by society, then I still think of this article as quite intriguing, Thank the climate debaters for such compelling information! Without such a debate, science would probably be slightly less interesting, at least that's how I think about it. Did you find this article interesting? What is your thought about climate, people?

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Third Eye?

Can we see more than three dimensions? After all, we only have a maximum of two eyes, right? Well, maybe not. Could the mind be a third eye? If we use our mind to a great enough advantage, maybe we could see more than three dimensions?! Maybe thinking is what a third eye evolves from, it's just that the third "eye" would perceive things differently as compared to our vision? After all, there is more than one way to see things. For example, instead of seeing a picture by using photons, vision in a general sense can also be derived from probing; For instance, the world's most powerful microscopes are built this way, that they create an image based off of what they feel, not what they see, since at extremely microscopic scales, light, which is made up of photons, might be refracted too much and maybe electrons behave this way too at scales that are microscopic enough. So, I have to wonder to myself, might this be somewhat akin to how the brain works? Maybe the brain is able to create an image based off of imagination? A truly perplexing thought, is it not?

Looking For The Rest Of My Followers!

I'm looking for my four missing followers of this blog. Can someone help?!

This Interactive Map Shows You Light Pollution!

The Effect Of The Solar Eclipse On The Weather

Yeah, you heard that correctly, the solar eclipse actually had a measurable and noticeable effect on weather!

The Universe Has A Greater Influence On Your Mood Than You Probably Think! Cosmic Rays Influence Emotions?

There are some pretty intriguing thoughts and ideas that come from astrology. But what if there was actually something to it, scientific evidence for something astrology may teach? So, not too long ago, I've been thinking about how the weather can change emotions, but can emotions be influenced by something other than the weather, something external that is beyond us?! This post isn't about astrology, it's about science, or more specifically, a merger of science and phsychology. The answer, as evidenced by the following links, is that perhaps yes, there is something even more mysterious than the weather that could be affecting our emotions? Even though this is not quite as interesting as say, weather being influenced by emotions, it's still a pretty exotic fact to ponder, or wonder about! You may or may not know, I have had some extremely exotic or unusual ideas on my blog not too long ago. But not only are the following links about something that might seem unusual, they should, at least in my opinion, be of great scientific interest.
Maybe, is it the cosmic rays that are making me come up with such ideas?! Did you know that cosmic rays peak during solar minimum, when there is decreased solar activity on the sun? They can even affect the formation of clouds? I wish I could somehow see cosmic rays...the night is full of light, we just can't see it. We can't see this type of light.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Interesting Science Articles For The Week Of 8/21/2017

*List might be updated frequently

These are cameras?!

This is what a camera looks like?!

My Plans For The Winter!

You probably already know that Winter is quite a long time ahead, but I've been planning something really intriguing for Winter already. This is what I'm planning on doing for the winter. I got a 20 megapixel camera, and I mounted it to my low power microscope using a telescope camera adapter to take photos of ice crystals in the winter! I had to improvise since the eyepiece is smaller than that found in the telescope but eventually made it work by using tape. Unfortunately, it moves which means that it's not like taking a picture using a tripod. In other words, it's not as stable as I wish it was.
I also want to create enormous mosaics from multiple images, effectively creating a high resolution wide angle photo made up of multiple photos! It would basically be the same as combining rows or columns of panoramas to create a telepano, except that it would be using microphotography!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Terrible Cell Phone Photos/Videos Of The Eclipse Are Coming

Image may contain: 1 person, meme and text

A New Era Begins

A new era is beginning. August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse marks the start of a new time for us! There may be energies flowing in from the universe.

The Eclipse Changed The Weather!

I write sometimes about climate change. However, let's go off track and visit something perhaps more interesting

When will all of this bullshit stop?

When will all of this bullshit stop?
People seem to talk mostly about stupid stuff on the internet.
The unrelenting surge of boredom fills my soul.
It seems like boredom is destroying me
Like the cold,
Seeping into you when you're not properly dressed
And it keeps getting more boring
And boredom keeps getting more painful
and literally destroying the soul
Why is reality and all that is relevant so sugarcoated?
Yet sugarcoated is an understatement
The best I can do is understatements.
I will not be well heard
And probably considered a fool.
I feel anguished deep inside,
Thanks for reading, however, even though you might laugh or smile at this poem, it's true and reflects truly my life

Saturday, August 19, 2017

I feel anguished

😧 Not nearly enough pageviews for this blog!!!!!!!! 😟I feel anguished when I'm bored!

Our Senses Can't Sense It, But The Brain Can!

The fourth dimension: Our senses don't sense it, the brain can!

What's Best: Phone, Point And Shoot, Mirrorless Or DSLR?

Have you ever pondered about the various types, or kinds, of cameras that there are? Nowadays, we have cell phone cameras, DSLRs, Mirrorless, Point and shoot cameras (which are otherwise known as compact cameras), and even cameraphones which are essentially a blend of a camera and a phone. Have you ever wondered which one of those types is the best for taking pictures? There is no optimal solution that's best for everything, however in this post I'll review the various kinds of cameras that there are.
Cell phones
Nowadays, phones can take pictures that rival recent modern point and shoot cameras, and maybe even outperform some of them! Unfortunately for some, if trying to compare cell phone cameras to DSLRs (those large, bulkier interchangeable lens cameras), cell phones still have a ways to go. Some experts would probably say that the cameras that are found in cell phones will meet or exceed DSLRs, at least in terms of image quality. The one thing that people might consider better about cell phones than other types of cameras, however, is the user interface. Modern smartphones offer the user much flexibility, so smartphones can be used with many more applications and you don't necessarily need an external image-editing program on your computer or tablet to process, or enhance your images.
Compact cameras
Compact cameras would probably be considered by many, if not most, people as a fine balance between DSLR and smartphone. They are more portable than DSLRs but many don't have the manual controls or features that are found on SLRs, and perhaps maybe even more importantly, point and shoot cameras don't have interchangeable lenses. They are generally more expensive than smartphones and less expensive than SLRs. However the point and shoot cameras that do have manual controls, or at least some of them, could very well be a substitute for a DSLR, at least if you're willing to go for a single lens. For example, the Sony RX100 series cameras can be used to adjust manual focus and even have digital manual focus, and for some of them there are even optional external accessories such as an external flash or filter adaptor, which means that you can turn you point and shoot camera into essentially an SLR, just about the only differences is, as already mentioned, that you're stuck with a single lens and a more portable camera. The Panasonic Lumix LX10 offers a manual aperture ring, which I have personally never seen on SLRs nor Mirrorless camera systems.
I personally love SLR cameras. The amount of features that an SLR camera has is virtually unlimited, as long as you have an unlimited budget. One thing that makes SLR cameras preferable over point and shoot cameras, and especially cell phone cameras, is sensor size. SLRs have larger sensors than both point and shoot cameras, as well as cell phones. What are the advantages? Well, let's start off with lowlight capability. A camera with a larger sensor will likely outperform, or do better, in situations where there is a limited amount of light, than a cell phone and a point and shoot camera. The pixels of an SLR camera are usually larger than other types of cameras, and so each pixel is able to record more light because it has a larger surface area, so the required exposure time for a dark scene might be less than that of a camera with a smaller sensor. Most importantly, this is when you set the camera to a high ISO, or image sensitivity value, such as during the night. Another advantage that larger sensors have is dynamic range. This is clearly evident when editing images in RAW mode in a program such as Adobe Photoshop, and when the scene that you were photographing was illuminated by harsh lighting that might have caused an undesirable amount of contrast. Where there is high contrast, there will be a larger difference between areas of an image that are dark (such as shadows) as compared to the areas of an image that are bright (highlights). Programs such as Photoshop are able to normalize, or balance out, the shadows and highlights in a photo to eliminate contrast and bring back details that would otherwise be lost. Now, this can also be done to a photo taken using a cell phone or point and shoot camera; however, the resulting image is more likely to be of higher quality if it comes from an SLR camera as opposed to a different type of camera. The technical term, or measurement, of the number of colors that a camera sensor is able to acquire is called bit depth, or color depth. Color depth is usually higher for an SLR camera, and basically means that the colors of a photo will be rendered more accurately in a photo if the color depth is higher. With a higher color depth, you can notice smoother transitions between color gradients, especially after extensive image editing. This is especially important if you're taking a photo in lowlight using a high ISO setting. Other than that, I like that SLR cameras have optical viewfinders, which I will talk about in the next paragraph.
Personally and honestly, I don't know what to think about this; mirrorless is the latest technology that is employed in modern cameras. What mirrorless means is that there is no mirror inside of the camera, so that light entering the lens goes directly to the sensor. While mirrorless cameras are usually smaller as well as lighter than SLRs (but heavier and larger than point-and-shoots), they also have no optical viewfinder. Instead, they have an electronic viewfinder (known as an EVF). I like an optical viewfinder because it's easier to use in dark situations, and it seems like it's faster than an EVF. Also, an EVF doesn't have the "resolution" that an optical viewfinder has. However, mirrorless cameras also have a smaller lens selection and there are less accessories available. Once a smaller mirrorless camera comes out, I'll consider buying one, but I'll have to think about the battery issue, as mirrorless cameras have a relatively low battery life. My personal favorite mirrorless camera is probably the Hasselblad X1D-50c, as well as the Sony a7rII. I actually want to get a Sony A7 but then again, the battery life is relatively low. Regardless, if I want to consider dishing out that lump sum of money, than I better keep saving up for a while!
Which is the best?
So, what's the verdict? The answer is that there is no single best system of camera. It depends partially upon what you are going to use your camera for. If you want a camera with manual controls, then a smartphone with manual controls would be best for ease or flexibility of use, while an SLR would be great for image quality. And, as mentioned above already, a compact point-and-shoot camera is a neat blend of the two systems of cameras. I have a Sony RX100 II with manual controls, however I really want something better in the future. If what you're looking for is superior image quality, then consider mirrorless or SLR. However, if you want ease and flexibility of use, then it may be better to opt for a smartphone. One of the things I didn't mention is that ease and flexibility of use becomes better with SLRs and mirrorless cameras that are more expensive. If you're on a budget however, I would opt for a smartphone or compact camera. If you had to pick out a camera system right now, what would your decision be?

Why does my phone sometimes respond when I click on my computer

Sometimes, when I click on my computer or when something else happens, such as the exact moment I start scrolling down a page, my phone makes this strange noise "uueu"

Stupid Musicians

Why have musicians gotten so stupid these days? Singing stupid lyrics that shouldn't even exist.

These 7 Forces Are Changing The World At An Immense Pace
😖Me: feeling confounded!

Running Dry

I feel in despair; this blog is running dry due to the fact that I've run out of ideas in this boring world! It's like life itself has run out dry. My world has run out dry, literally! Could you hand me something to write about?! Please contribute by sending me a message about something interesting that I could write about, such as interesting links about politics, news events, science, photography, or other interesting topics. I strive to keep this blog as compelling as possible, but as of right now there is essentially no water in sight, and the blog itself is practically dieing. What a shame, I once wrote stuff that was so compelling, and now there is practically nothing new on the blog...😞

Communication As A Weapon Of Destruction

This article tells about the possibility of communication and the news coverage by the media as a potential weapon of destruction for many

Computer Creates Fake News

The following link tells about computers creating fake news and how to spot fake news created by computers This is really intriguing stuff. Please message me if you thought the article was interesting.

Friday, August 18, 2017

The 174 Megapixel Photo!

I recently created an image with nearly 176 megapixels! Check this out!

The Lonely Mushroom

I awaken in a new world
A single 20 foot shroom
In the midst of a single enormous field
On a planet of only cotton, grass, and this enormous shroom
And I think to myself,
Why does everything seem so small?
And why is the tornado spinning so slow to me?
And why, in this tornado, do I feel invincible
In this tornado, I feel only calm
I feel pain
Yet I convince myself magically
That pain is good
And that it feels good.
And so I awaken in a new world
That's fresher than clean linen on a bright summer's day
Air purer than the snow in the middle of Siberia
Cleaner than any river in the world

I can't wait no more.
The light is shining away.
Crazy as the shrooms, the wind picks up some other day.
I can see the essence coming and going
The ebb and flow
like magic perceptions
perception combining with magic
awaiting the return of the one
when all essence becomes immortal
and many people start realizing
Realizing that it's now or never
Yet he still comes
A river full of acid
and nineleaves materializing into nothing
Yet he will still come
The one
The savior of the world!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The newest edition of Scientific American

I just got the newest edition of Scientific American. I should be writing my thoughts about it in the future!

My Opinion Of Charlottesville

Here is my opinion of events, or maybe instead the discussion relating to Charlottesville. Many people have already debated about who America belongs to. Here is my opinion, and I will write it in a list form.
  1. America doesn't belong to the right.
  2. America doesn't belong to the left
  3. America doesn't belong to jews
  4. America doesn't belong to white supremacists or Nazis
  5. America doesn't belong to Communists
Okay. So, you might be asking yourself, "who does America belong to?" Well, you might or might not be aware of this, but history is written by the victors. I think America only belongs to a specific race of people. After all, America as a country was taken away by Europeans and essentially stolen from the Native Americans. The verdict? It should only belong to Native Americans, at least that's what it seems like. I hope my judgement isn't too far from the truth!

NASA can't afford the mission!

Guess what? NASA can't afford! Honestly, this is a good thing for us.

"Nuclear Winds" as 175 sqaure miles of trees destroyed by wind in Northern Poland

Extremely intense wind in Northern Europe causes historic devastation, killing about 9 people and destroying many homes. Earlier, I had posted "Millibar Mapping" which shows the various heights mapped out as wind velocities.  
Millibar Mapping:

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Evidence for climate change? Some interesting articles

Planes had to be delayed and one airline had to even cancel their flights due to record heat in Vegas. Also it has been raining in Antarctica as well as the Antarctic at the same time. Australia has very recently experienced extreme temperature rise as well. I have recently wrote a link to where it tells about unusual temperatures in the Arctic supposedly becoming more common.
So, I would like to ask everyone, "Is this a sign of climate change?" By climate change, what I mean is that this is not necessarily natural or not necessarily manmade climate change; I'm just mentioning that this could be climate change, whether manmade or not, or perhaps a combination of manmade and natural. In my opinion, manmade natural climate change is incredibly difficult to find evidence for, let alone proof. So, will this be the new normal, that weather conditions in the Arctic will shift quicker than elsewhere on the world, becoming more anomalous? Is it really unusual that warm fronts advance over the Equator?! It may or may not be something that's too unusual, although as far as I think, this could be evidence, although I'm not sure if it favors any form of climate change or not. I have read, or in fact may have heard, that over a period of approximately 100,000 years or so, the Earth experiences a shift in climate that's obviously, natural. I consider these articles and this information of great interest, and I think that you should read them and hopefully get a chance to reply to me on blogger, Facebook, or Instagram! Thanks for reading.


Quantum Internet Will you please join me in an effort to hack Chinese internet?

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Wundern Sie sich jemals, was über 90 Millionen Pixel aussieht?

Richtige Technik erlaubt mir, ein Foto mit über 90 Millionen Pixeln zu schaffen und verringerte Tiefe des Feldes!
Richtige Technik erlaubt mir, ein Foto mit über 90 Millionen Pixeln zu schaffen und verringerte Tiefe des Feldes!

Ever wonder what over 90 million pixels looks like?

Proper Technique allows me to create a photo with over 90 million pixels and decreased Depth of field!

The 14th of August!

The 14th of August! I just got a feeling, do you know? It's as though premonition might be telling me something about this day but I don't know what.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Does It Matter How Many Pixels A Camera Has?

It's Generally More About Optics 
Many people probably think, or are misled by the notion that the more pixels a camera has, the better it must be, or that the better the image quality will be. When it comes to photography in general, this is not necessarily true. Generally, the more pixels a camera has, the less sensitive it will be to light. This is because larger pixels record more light than smaller pixels. So, for example, if a camera has the same sensor and lens as another camera and one of the cameras has 12 megapixels, and the other has only 2 megapixels, then the camera with 12 megapixels will be able to record more detail in a single image though the other camera would probably be considered to be better suited to photography at night, especially if the photographer uses the camera set to automatic mode. The lens is arguably a more important aspect of a camera as opposed to pixel count, or resolution. A camera with 12 megapixels might record worse than a 2 megapixel camera if the 2 megapixel camera has a much better, or higher quality, lens. This is especially noticeable in aperture priority or manual mode when you set various apertures and when you use a broad range of apertures. Ironically though, less resolution also means that the camera will be more forgiving if the lens is poorly designed.
More about sensor size
Now that we've talked about resolution, let's move on and talk in depth about sensor size. Usually, the larger a sensor in a camera is, the more expensive the camera will probably be. In photography, the term depth of field basically refers to a measure of how much sharpness there is in a photo. You can have narrow depth of field, or deep depth of field. Sensor size can influence the amount of depth of field in an image. The larger a sensor, usually the smaller or narrower the depth of field will be, although this also has to do with the lens focal length and aperture (longer focal length=narrower depth of field, while faster apertures [such as f/1.4 compared to a slower aperture of f/2.8] will also create narrower depth of field). A full frame camera can produce a much shallower depth of field then, for instance, a micro four thirds camera, if the lenses' focal lengths are equivalent to each other and if both lenses are set to the same aperture.
"Replicating" a larger sensor using a smaller sensor
I was astounded to know that this technique already exists. You can dramatically decrease depth of field to create an image of something to make it look as though it were much smaller than it actually is in reality, while significantly increasing resolution! I have written a blog post about the pros and cons of this technique, so if you're curious and want to find out more information, read my other blog post about the three ways with which you can accomplish this technique at 
Now, what I 've been wondering recently is what the image would come out like as compared to just using a wide angle lens. For that discussion, you can head on over here:
The Best Compact Camera In The World?
I consider my camera, along with some others, as the best compact camera in the world. You can use it much like a DSLR. It's called the Sony RX100 II. I love my Sony. I would like to have a mirrorless full frame camera one day, though I settled on a point-and-shoot camera because for astrophotography through a telescope, or microphotography through a microscope, it seems to be generally better suited, although it can still be very tedious. I tried once to take photos through my telescope using my Canon T1i but without success. I think that the Canon had more dynamic range, however.

An Alternative to HDR and exposure blending? Some Advice For Using GIMP

Today I will talk about what could be essentially considered an alternative to using HDR (which will also be an alternative to using exposure blending) using layers in Adobe Photoshop, as well as image averaging, to essentially increase the dynamic range of your camera. First of all, I would like to mention a common problem with modern cameras: dynamic range. The general rule is that the more expensive a camera is, or the larger a camera's sensor is, the larger the dynamic range is. Currently, the average dynamic range of modern SLR cameras is about 12 stops of exposure or so, while the dynamic range of the human eye is supposedly about 14 stops. I won't be going into what these numbers mean in this article, but what this article is about is basically how to improve photos that were taken in lighting that produces a significant amount of contrast, which can cause detail, or information, to be lost in the shadows and/or highlights (bright, overblown areas of image). I didn't learn this technique from reading or hearing about it; instead, I learned it myself thanks to my experience with Photoshop.
Here is a side note: It is supposedly better to underexpose an image rather than overexpose it, since an underexposed image is supposedly easier to enhance (easier to bring back shadow detail than to bring back highlight detail) as modern digital cameras can't handle slight overexposures too well. So, what I do before I use any of these techniques, I slightly underexpose the photo while capturing the photo.
When I was stacking, or combining (otherwise known as overlaying) photos in Photoshop which were virtually identical (same lighting, same photos captured at a different time) and playing around with adjusting the layer blending modes, I was quietly, but fairly, surprised by the fact that I can use the blending mode known as "subtract" to decrease exposure and the blending mode known as "add" to increase exposure. This is not so important when you're capturing a photo using RAW format, as you can adjust the "exposure" slider in post processing. However, sometimes even capturing a photo by using RAW format doesn't guarantee that you can achieve a perfectly exposed image with detail in both shadows and highlights. Be careful with the subtract and add blending modes, and the resulting effect might be overwhelming or too much for your needs. However, you can adjust the opacity of a layer, so you do have at least some flexibility although from my experience, I have discovered that mixing layers this way can lead to the creation of "fake" detail which doesn't appear as pleasing as if you would have otherwise used HDR or exposure blending.
Now, as I have mentioned I will also talk about image averaging. Sometimes, when you increase the brightness of shadows to bring out detail, whether this involves HDR, exposure blending, or simply adjusting the exposure (or even shadows) slider, you might realize that the areas of the image that were full of darkness before are now grainy, or in other words, have lots of noise in them. This is where the technique known as image averaging can become helpful. This technique is the second best thing to magic, in my opinion. Image averaging is a method that implies stacking, or overlaying, images so that you can end up with an image that has no more noise. So, if you're trying to capture an image and notice that the shadows are significantly darker than the midtones and you think that the camera might not be able to catch as much information in those areas, then you might want to employ this technique. The number of photos that you take depends on how dark the shadows are, or how much noise is visible in the images (how high the ISO value is). Just take multiple images of the same scene without letting the camera move, so using the same lighting and perspective, and then load them into Photoshop (or any other program that uses layers). Next, you'll want the opacity to be different for each layer so that the bottom layer is set to 100% opacity, while the next layer up is at 50% opacity, followed by 33% opacity, 25% opacity (going bottom to topmost layer), etc. Or, after loading all of the images as layers, you could go to
You should be able to figure out the formula based on these opacities. However, do you really need to go through this much trouble? The answer,if you're lazy like me, is no. GIMP employs it's own script that you can download for free that takes the manual process and automates it with the use of the average layer plugin. Or, if you're using Photoshop, then follow this tutorial: There. Now you have learned an alternative technique that can be used to restore shadow detail without affecting image quality.