Tuesday, September 12, 2017

What I learned this week

This week I learned that scientists have reversed brain damage from someone that drowned, learned about a new type of lightning as well as a new type of stratospheric phenomena that accompanies the northern lights in the form of a bright white arc, as well as sleeping for about 3 hours each day to get more done. I learned that my microphotography experiment will probably not work because I did some trial and error and nothing interesting came up. I learned that listening to world events might as well be pointless because it may make you more depressed and you can't do much about world events yourself. I also learned new stuff from the newest edition of American Scientist magazine that tells about new potentially earthlike worlds! I learned that happy music can or might play a role in creativity. So that's a wrap. Anything else you'd be willing to throw in that you found interesting this week? Any links would be greatly appreciated!
Oh yeah, and I also learned that there might as well be no more hope left for me.

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