Friday, December 23, 2016

If You Are On The Internet, Please Read This, Part 2: Everything and everyone needs to be reincarnated now.

The Year 2016 Cannot End; I am in despair!
I am in despair; I didn't know that everything would move on so fast/quickly. My future is now not what I thought, and everything is now changing, and I don't like change at all. Whoever you may be reading this post, my friend; Every day, we as people on this world, are missing out on millions of articles, books, movies, shows, so much music, food, etc. That is why I'm in despair, and the whole world is also in despair; but please, stay with me for as long as possible. On about the 26th of November or so, that is the only day that I felt good; I cried at night and I could get rid of any despair that I was having at the times. But there is a problem, is that after I cried, I came into the world again, and I started getting overwhelmed by the distractions of daily life. Then the holiday decorations and all of the distractions of the holidays came along, and I couldn't help but fell in despair. Because, as it turns out, I couldn't take the fact that change was coming along.
And I will then patiently wait until the end, when not just I go away and live again, but also when the whole world, everyone living, and everything on it, goes away, and lives again in another life, on another planet. This would be best for everyone, because I am not by myself in this world, in despair. As I've already stated, I will just patiently wait until the end is here, and hoping as much as I can, that everything somehow passes me by as if nothing is happening now. I want myself, as well as everyone on earto be reincarnated, as well as everything that's on this Earth, to go away, so that everything can start all over, not just on another planet, but somewhere in another life that is beyond this own life of ours! There is so much despair on this Earth right now, that there is no word that could possibly describe it. I am the only person that has experienced this despair, and nobody else is currently having despair, because they don't know about that this despair exists. Everything will be eventually alright, in the end of time, because that's when everything and everyone will cease to exist. Everything & everyone will have life again, and will be reincarnated into something that is much better than what we have here on Earth. And there will be renewal.
As I've already stated, if everyone on Earth were to write me a letter, even if those people were to be considered as "bad" or "evil", then they would write to me with sympathy, even if there were NAZIs and communists on Earth, and if I was one of them, and the person on the other side of the letter were the opposite guy, there would still undoubtedly be the most sympathy that you can't even comprehend. As I've written, I don't consider people as "bad" or "evil" anymore, but why? That's because I just want to be at peace with everyone and everything on this Earth. I am currently in an nonredeemable state of despair; Soon, the whole world will be in this despair; the problem is, nobody notices that I am in this despair, because of the fact that I am currently under the influence of the "feel good" state of life that everyone else is, and so I have taken the medicine that everyone else is giving me, so I only think that I feel great. I have taken the pill that people take to make them live in an illusion. Dear friend, it is already the 23rd of December, and we can't help but to go along with the fact that time keeps flowing and we will be getting into the end of December. So I can't help and I don't want to, but I weep when I know that this is how it really is. I can't take the fact that time is passing by. Time in 2016 has been an extremely valuable and precious thing that I can't let pass me by for I can't let the year 2016 let the world pass us by, because we haven't done anything in our lives that would allow us to deserve such a thing. I haven't done anything to deserve the end of time. Please write to me if you have a chance or send me an email, even though nothing that we will ever don in the future will ever help us out. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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