Friday, February 24, 2017

Macro Photography I attached the eyepiece of my old microscope to the front of my cameraphone; No more snow!; that would be sweet the 10x doesn;t exactly work though because of reflection so I resort to the 5x, ground to minimum length via a lathe! I want to take photos of snow crystals in the dark using a special setup and lighting the crystals from various angles then color map them in photoshop. I can''t use the Gopro even though it has RAW capture. The best setup I have right now is by taping the phone to the sliding /focusing platform of the microscope but even that is practically doing stuff in the dark (no pun intended). Then have something to raise the snowflakes up to the lens by maybe a box, which would need to be precooled so no flakes melt. All of this stuff was supposed to be five months ago after which I could gradually advance toward more advanced setups such as a specially designed microscope and/or something similar. I still have to make sure that the temperature doesn't exceed 32. Then I'm in trouble with this endeavor.

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