Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Dear Reader

Dear reader; remember when we all used to belong to the Earth? Well now we don't, and Earth is not our home anymore. Please listen to this when I say it. Earth is not my home anymore, and it won't be anybody's home anymore for a while. Everything that has happened on this Earth is overwhelming me, and everything that has happened and is happening, is also overwhelming you as well. Everything that is happening is overwhelming everyone, although the problem is that nobody knows about it, because they are not listening to their mind, and they are not listening to what I'm trying to convey to them. I just want to leave this Earth very calmly and without any commotion. I want to be alive again, but not on this Earth; I want to be alive in a totally different world. I just want to become alive again in another world that is not Earth, but is much like Earth. Everyone and everything needs to be reincarnated. If you think of this as true, then it will come true! 😭😭😭😭😭

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