Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Which Military Would Win?; America vs The Russian Federation?

Which military do you think would win? Well, let's see...about a thousand more nukes belong to Russia. That might not tell us much at all, but what about each nation's navy? Russian navy is probably better in tight corners whereas the American Navy might be slower but probably more adept at combat in the vast open sea. I'm not an expert, but I think that America is stronger when it has to do with it's own allies vs Russian allies. So, who would win militarily? We still haven't considered special forces. I won't get into that now but, to help answer this question definitively, we must answer another equally compelling question; Remember that compelling post that I wrote a while ago, when I asked whether or not nukes would make a difference; I wrote an analogy (made up) about me and my neighbor. In this analogy, I own a nation and so does my neighbor; I have nukes (sticks of TNT), and there are 100 of them total. During time of war, I throw each stick of dynamite one by one onto my neighbors yard. The neighbor also has 100 sticks worth of TNT, but implies a different strategy. He bundles the TNT into bundles of five (or however many) to form less bombs, but each one is more powerful. This is the Atomic Conundrum, and probably why using nukes is a gamble

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