Monday, May 29, 2017

In the next 7 days, premonition about major news in Michigan; certainty of about 34 percent
  • scientific discovery; certainty of about 40 percent that there will be a discovery within 7 days
  • New song (by who??????) Imagine Dragons, Adele, 
  • controversy

Which Magazine Would You Recommend?

Which magazine should I read next? Any great books?

Discover Magazine

The latest edition of Discover magazine is dope. It tells about daydreaming, climate change, as well as other stuff. It was interesting reading about daydreaming, about a lady who became a doctor and worked for the military. She was taken away to be interrogated by secret police, who thought she was a spy. She spent so much time alone and eventually built up a world of herself in her own mind. She didn't confess to anything. The magazine goes on to tell that people seem to prefer electric shocks than being alone, because the mind prefers to have something instead of nothing when "left to it's own devices".

Friday, May 26, 2017

Let's see if it's true

Tonight I will write some phrases. Let's see if they come true in the near future (in the next 7 days)

You Are The Universe

I didn't have any premonitions yesterday night, though I was hoping to think of something. Anyhow, today I started reading a fairly recent book title "You Are The Universe" that was given to me by someone I know. This book tells about the supposed fact that you are a part of the universe: you are essentially the universe. And it goes on to talk about the fact that what our senses perceive is an illusion: In reality beyond our own mind, there is no such thing as pattern, sound, color, etc. We are fooled by our own senses. Anyhow, I have found that what this books says resonates with the most recent edition of Scientific America, which tells about quantum mechanics; In the magazine, it is stated that a quantum particle's behavior is dependent upon not just local changes or factors such as the movement of other particles, but also on the observer. In fact, it is also dependent on everything else in the Universe. In the book, it tells about the conflict between two opposing theories about the Universe; the theory of relativity VS the Quantum theory. It also says that the Universe interacts with us in the sense that we essentially create the universe. Hmm...this brings me back to an astonishing thought that I once had: does the Universe respond to our thoughts? Neither science nor religion has been able to explain the universe, at least not fully. As we discover more about the cosmos, we find new questions to be answered and it seems as though we must constantly revise our findings.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Sorry for writing that last post, I know some of you might have enjoyed it but I have caused some concern among people so I have deleted the post. The response from someone (I won't mention who) I received about the post prompted the sense that the worst was going to happen to me. At the time, I felt right on the brink of well, let's just say that I was in a SERIOUSLY bad state. I'm sorry to write something that might be viewed as crazy or something of that nature, but I felt as though I needed to. Sorry but I have serious issues at home among my parents who are quite critical of me writing, so I must be careful from now on and restrain from writing anything that even remotely resembles negative thoughts. I feel like my life was ruined yesterday but I hope that things will flip totally around and that there's a brighter side to life. Don't worry, I can take care of myself when I'm feeling down although I must admit that help that comes from only myself can only slightly help me. So yeah, that's it for now. Writing publicly is a risk and I understand that but I'm afraid that there's nothing in my life, no concern, that I can really blame for my problem. Once again, I feel as if I must've done something incredibly bad in life but let's just not get into that, even though I really want to.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What did I do wrong?

I must've done something incredibly bad in my life to deserve this, I can't dare to think that this is just how things are supposed to be

Monday, May 22, 2017

I Miss Premonition Telling

I miss premonition telling! I miss those thoughts when I would think about something that came true the next day or in the same week, such as the Legend Of Skaag, Canada. If you're feeling nostalgic like I am, just thinking about it, go here:
I think it's about time to bring back premonition telling and have another blog dedicated to it

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Do I really like America?

I don't think so. I don't actually like living here all that much. I would rather live in Bulgaria or Georgia

Friday, May 19, 2017

My life is so oppressive, I need to get away from it. Otherwise, this is not life in my opinion. My dad is intimidating and the reason that my life is so oppressive is that he's so critical of me, and has determined that what I do, such as taking pictures or writing, is childish. Is this true? Why is he like this? He's been having horrible behavior towards me such as taking and throwing a bottle of mouthwash from my hands, as well as pretty much screaming in my face for minutes and holding my hand. WTF? That is the end of my rantings, but I can't always forget stuff, because that's not right. His behavior has gotten to the point to where I can't believe it whatsoever, and it's making me think that if he escalates even slightly in the future, he is dangerous and might do something bad to me. This is not fiction or something that I simply write to just have sympathy towards me. I can't forget when he gets mad at me because when I do, it keeps getting worse with time. I don't want him to do it ever again. I just don't know, I can't believe my situation, even though I don't know what to say. I can't help but hope to move out. Every day I'm at home, I wish I were in a place I could call my own but I'm pretty much not because the home I'm in is not one which I earned through work. I can't help but to find a deeper meaning behind all of this. It makes me tend to think that the meaning of life is that being oppressed doesn't matter, and that the meaning of life in general is not what we initially think. I could be wrong, but then again, I don't know.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

"Les premiers jours ; passion plus de chèque de paie. l’héritage est définitive.""最初の日;給料以上の情熱。レガシーは最終です。"
"Pirmajās dienās; kaislību pār algu. mantojums ir galīgā redakcija."
"Die ersten Tage; Leidenschaft über Gehaltsscheck. Vermächtnis ist endgültig."
"Pirmąsias dienas; aistra per paycheck. palikimas yra galutinis."
Thawj hnub; mob siab rau pem tshev. txojsia yog zaum kawg.
De första dagarna. passion över lönecheck. Legacy är slutgiltigt.
Перші дні; пристрасть над зарплати. Спадщина є остаточним.
Ngày đầu tiên; niềm đam mê trên tiền lương. di sản là cuối cùng.
Y diwrnod cyntaf; angerdd dros paycheck. etifeddiaeth yn derfynol.
Првих дана; страст је готово од плате. наследство је коначна.
Prvih dneh; strast nad plačo. zapuščina je dokončna.
Prvé dni; vášeň cez výplatnú pásku. dedičstva je konečné.
Первые дни; страсть на зарплату. наследие является окончательным.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Can you tell me what's in this music?

Hi Facebook friends! Can anybody tell me what songs are in this, it sounds great ; send me a message, would be appreciated! LOL "You come from the North, yeah that way"
Hi there. I'm scared. I think it's time to move out of my house. It's so oppressive, like nobody has any idea, to live at home with parents. Oppressive is not a strong enough word. If oppressive was equivalent to the word hate, then I would say that I despise living at home. My dad tells me things about myself that are overwhelming and I consider as false, but then again the term "overwhelming" is not adequate enough to describe things. I don't know what to do. I remember seeing a lady suffer because of her abusive husband and how she wept. I honestly feel the same way inside, even though I don't show it. That's because showing my emotion has not been useful to me in the past.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Hi Facebook Friends

Is is just me, or I have escaped reality? For a while now, I wanted to escape reality. I guess that now I'm away from reality, but not in a good way. I miss some things! Could we get together soon? I need something to talk about lol.
It's been long, since I've felt the ruuuuuuuush. Luckily, life is going by quickly.

Lichen Under A Microscope!

Celebrities and other people...if you can handle living in a place like America, with high standards of life, then you probably can't handle the life of those living lower standards, such as those in Africa?
"f it was life and death, that's when the money comes"

Legacy's Final

Bush is probably friends with Obama, Clinton, and Trump. Here's some advice; Passion over paycheck

The First Days

First comes first; the clouds dark and relentless, hanging around as long as the sunlight beams down. The next day, there are dark clouds and rain, the 4th of May, of the year 2017, in a land known as Michigan. The high is 42 degrees. The forecast looks grim, with highs all week only reaching the mid 60's or not even, with the first frost of the spring likely in the morning of Saturday to Monday!

The Ocean Of Air

The light shines down from above, illuminating what's under an ocean of gas, being constantly infused with carbon, arguably the dumbest experiment in human history. The light shines away from our life, coming in, as happiness, and going out! Happiness is our profit, happiness that escapes away, our loss. Escaping away from an ocean of gas, which the aliens have not yet learned to breath under. This ocean of gas might as well be under an ocean of energetic particles, which the aliens might inhabit.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

This guy

This guy! (can go **** himself)
When I look at the sky, and see neat clouds, I think to myself that I want to be in their midst. I think that I want to be there, up in the midst of the clouds where it's extremely cold and strangely surreal at the same time.


These days I'm connected more to technology than to true love😬😕😵😒

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Menus Part 1

Tofu, Linguine, as well as spaghetti sauce and vegetables, Orange Ginger sauce into the mix. Yippee! PMT juice (Pineapple Mango Tangerine); Yippee! What else should I add? Thai Chili? 10:52 PM on the East coast; (no yippee)

Lichen (10 times magnified)

Click for larger image *much higher quality image coming soon

Food From The Middle East

Yo! Guess what's up? Eating food from the middle east is both strange, unique, and a moment of Zen. It makes me wonder what the people of the middle east think about European, Asian, and American food. What do we think about the other others' cultures?! I guess it's time to do some travelling...just not with my parents this time

Does This Make LIfe Worth It?

If you love the material world, perhaps you are in love? Being in love with material is not a story about sadness, but maybe instead, a story about happiness. Sound compelling? Well, the essence of loving the Earth is to make death worthwhile; loving the material world can make life worthless but death worthwhile. Because then death becomes escape, and escape means freedom!

It's already May?

Welcome Facebook friends. Why is it already May? I miss the past, which keeps fleeting away from us like nobody's business. I miss going to high school. I have the impression that time is coming too quickly and is too overwhelming. As a result, thoughts keep going ever faster, like the expansion of the Universe. Too many overwhelming realities are competing among each other, not just realities that are made up as I analyze possible futures, but also realities as in well, real realities. It's mind boggling. For goodness sake, if no help arrives, I think I will eventually turn this all around and bring justice to the situation. I have to dish out so much money these days, which I don't have... but I suppose the past has taught me enough. I hated the times of winter when I was dreadful in the extreme cold. Now it's spring and it's kind of nice but in an overwhelming way. Want to be in my shoes? Well, you look outside and you see everything coming into life...which is great and all, but this is not the season for me. I like spring, but the problem with me is that I feel as though I'm eating dessert before dinner. I miss winter regardless of what it was like this year. Spring is like the season of music and everything nice, but as I've just stated, it's spoiling me because time keeps making strides that are too overwhelming.