Monday, July 31, 2017

I Was Inspired!

I've recently been influenced, or inspired, by the following songs:

The Imagination, The Essence, and The Nostalgia

If a leaf were to turn from green to colorful
Then why can't we as people do the same?
And if a leaf can give new life after it's dead,
Then why can't we also do so?
And if the river runs rapidly,
and the nights get shorter
will my imagination run wild?
For the freedom of life
Is the freedom of essence
and the freedom of essence
is to be dynamic
and to be dynamic
as to be persistent like the wind
And if colors could make sound
Then the future would become alive
Were we to progress throughout
And if nostalgia is colorful
then does the colorful leaf dissolve away?

I can see things far away
And when I try to look what's behind reality
I can only see through a microscope
The distances keep getting smaller
And I keep getting closer
But I can't see the other side

A Movie About 2018?

There should be a new movie made about August 2017, or about the rest of this year. Or perhaps a movie made about 2018? 2019? If you want, I can help you make that movie come true.
A leaf fell down into the stream,
But the stream is made of acid.
My emotions are spinning
like the moon around the Earth.
Everything should change rapidly
Like my nostalgic euphoria
the 90's are the source of my nostalgia
But my emotions are changing rapidly
Just like the flow of time
There are no alternate timelines
For if there were another universe
It would be influenced by ours.
Therefore, there is only one time,
Just one universe
Time is one
And it's not a different time
Instead it's all the same,
part of the same time
No new month, no new year
Just the same time

I Know This As True!

Who is "Facebook Friend"? It appeared on my profile as one of my friends!
Anyhow, I'm too hard to find
and I don't create time
but I'm just like that
Hold me back
The silence seeps into you
just like the winter day
when you're only wearing a t shirt and shorts
and you can feel another dimension overcome the senses
you might say I'm crazy
but I'm not like that
the butterfly effect as related to consciousness


Say bye to July! Time sure goes by fast, but not when you're bored. When time goes by slowly, sometimes you get to appreciate it. It seeps in, just like the heat does after you might have been working feverishly outside in the hot sun. When's our first 90 degree day?

Life's Decisions

For life's decisions, if done without morality and done unethically, will not let you find true happiness

Saturday, July 29, 2017

New Camera Tech

A camera without a lens, curved sensors

I Don't Feel Happy

I don't feel happy anymore
It takes a thousand nights, being on my own
to realize that the greatness of life is fools gold
It takes a life, beyond my own
To escape my despair
I'm afraid of punishment
The world has not ended though
I'm overwhelmed by despair,
Despair is overwhelming everything that is great
Light is like life
And the fading sun illuminates too much
It's hard to see beyond what's in sight
But when you tilt the light this is what I realize (that we're chasing fools gold)

Friday, July 28, 2017

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Strange Coincidence

Remember the number three!

The Newest Edition Of Scientific American!

Read "The Dilemma"

New arcticles in the newest edition of Scientific American?

So just yesterday I received the newest edition of Scientific American. Did I make a premonition?! And is the premonition in the copy?! Find out soon

Связь между умом и окружающей среды

Я хочу писать о ум отношения с окружающей средой. Ум имеет некоторые виды воздействия на окружающую среду, таких как Погода? Конечно это может показаться очень сумасшедший, но рассмотреть коллективное сознание всего мира. Конечно мы не могли заметить что-либо с одной мыслью, но со временем, у нас есть не только мысли, но обычно в различные настроения также. И я думаю, что большинство из нас скорее осознают, что сезоны вызывают настроения. Вы пытались когда-нибудь подумать, "what если обратное верно, и настроение было какое-то влияние на weather»? или "what влияние может мысли для погодных условий? » возможно мы должны исследовать эту связь психологии с окружающей среды!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Butterfly Effect In Reverse?

I want to write fiction about the mind's relationship with the environment. Does the mind have some kind of influence on the environment, such as the weather? Sure, it may sound extremely crazy, but consider the collective consciousness of the entire world. Sure, we might not notice anything with a single thought, but over time, we have not just thoughts but usually various moods as well. And I think that most of us most likely are aware that seasons cause moods. Have you ever tried to ponder, "what if the opposite were true, and mood had some kind of influence on the weather"? or "what influence might a thought have on weather patterns?" Perhaps we should investigate this relationship of psychology with the environment!

The Mind Against The Weather

Do our thoughts have an influence upon the weather? For example

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

I miss getting many pageviews

I miss getting many pageviews

Ominous Feelings

I hate it when an ominous feeling goes past me.

The Dilemma

First of all, there are probably many dilemmas in life. One that I have thought of is this one. "Should I get a girlfriend?" Is one such dilemma. I'm incredibly bored today. Anyhow, for to be alone is to have more time for yourself. For to have a girlfriend is to have someone to go out to various places with. What to do? What do you do, how do you decide how to solve a dilemma? That is the question of the day. In life, we most likely face various benefits and/or drawbacks to making a decision; and therefore, we make compromises. Compromises are like fine print. I hate compromise. So we then think about how to make the least amount of compromises, or how to get the best of both worlds of a decision. How do you get the best of two or more choices?! That's what I think could be a purpose of life, and maybe we should strive to do so. I think that knowledge itself is not a guarantee of success. In fact, I think that it also has to do with experience. For example, the more you think, the better you get at thinking. Also, another thing that I think could be equally important to knowledge and experience is learning to be clever. Clever, creative thinking can solve some dilemmas that are daunting and/or ominous. I wrote recently that I feel as though I can't see shore; so maybe creative writing is a key to solving some of my problems.
4:45 am natural/environmental event, 1:51 am, 5:06 pm eastern time.

Monday, July 24, 2017

I feel a mix of fury and despair

If I Could Live Again

If I could live on Earth again, I probably would. I don't want to risk something else. I want to live on Earth until I have lived a fair life. Earth is the only place where I know I can have a chance to live a good life, despite many horrible aspects of this world.

I'm More Than Concerned

I'm terrified sometimes. I want to say "please help me" but nothing will change. In fact, sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in water and can't see shore. I feel this way in my mind and I can't stop the feeling no matter what. Nothing can possibly stop the feeling because it goes beyond me. Not only that, but also because any help will be passive. I think that a main cause is boredom. I feel as if I've wasted my life away, everyday. I feel as though the worst is going to happen and that I will be punished. Something needs to save me, something besides people. I wouldn't be writing this if it weren't true. As I've stated before, boredom is the worst evil of all. Well, it's not the only thing plaguing me life.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Is There A Yet Undiscovered Dimension?

You know, I've been thinking about the fact that, as we look far away towards the night sky, at the Universe, we are looking back in time, as it usually takes a considerable time for light from a star, galaxy, planet, or other celestial object to reach Earth. An object that we see in the universe could be gone and may now be nonexistent, perhaps for thousands, maybe even millions of years. Now I have come to a startling theory; I don't know how plausible it is, but I suppose that it might be more of an idea rather than a theory, at least for now. I was wondering to myself, since we can look back in time, then why can't we look forward in time? That would probably help solve many problems that are coming our way. If there is such a thing as negative distance, then maybe we could somehow indirectly observe it.
Maybe the future is something that exists as an additional dimension that we could see by somehow looking inward? See, but the major problem lies in the fact of time itself. With that in mind, it takes time itself to think about such an idea. It takes time for our brain to think about the future. Therefore, when I logically think about this, I am tempted to conclude that it's impossible to see the future. The opposite of immense positive distance could very well exist, but perhaps not in the form of negative distance. Even if the concept of negative distance actually exists as a part of reality, then it would take our minds so much to solve this riddle, that we could never do it. It's just like the speed of light; particles in an accelerator can be accelerated to approximately 99.9999999% the speed of light. The more energy you add, the more nines are added to the percentage. It's not an exponential increase in speed; instead, it's the opposite of an exponential equation. I think that the same logic can be used to understand the future.
Distance and time are essentially intertwined. Perhaps the more we try to see the future, or negative distance, maybe we are only able to see ever more microscopic distances, and never be able to reach the border which separates the future from the rest of time. It's a threshold that we might not be able to go past. I'm intrigued quite a lot by such an idea, because it's a great riddle that I think should be discussed by scientists. Where are we, and what are we? Are we the mind itself? And what is the center of the mind?! I think that if we could travel to the end of the future, that we could begin back in the past all over!
This has been a departure from all of the stupid stuff on the internet.

Есть другое измерение ?!

Я пришел к поразительному выводу. Я думал о том, что, глядя на звезды, мы можем смотреть годы назад в прошлое. Недавно я подумал о будущем. Если бы мы могли смотреть на отрицательные расстояния, мы могли бы видеть будущее. Будущее в другом измерении?

I Want To Go On Vacation This Weekend

I want to go on vacation this weekend. I'd like to go to Lake Huron or Superior

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Boredom Is Like Pain Itself

I think that being bored is painful. I'm bored too much of my life, not necessarily my fault. I want to see something new and everyday I have to go the same path to get to work. Even going to the supermarket is pretty much the same path. I hate staying in the same place for years. Being bored is like the worst thing that I've experienced in my life. When will it finally go away? Unfortunately, in my pursuit of happiness, maybe I'm seeking something that won't make things better. Again, I suppose that I'm being pessimistic but being overly optimistic is not good, as you need to stay down to Earth. You must stick to reality and stay realistic. Hope for the best, but expect the worst. Expect bad luck, but hope that good luck comes your way. I hate driving because I look at so much shit that's the same everyday. At work, I look at the same stuff every moment. It's monotonous and repetitive. I'm not about making as much money as I can; instead, I'm about having a job that is either interesting and/or enjoyable. Happiness of my life is being outweighed by boredom, something like 1 to 19. Something exciting must be happening in my life to restore balance. Life is definitely depressing, or so it seems to me. I don't want to go down again because that could lead to something really bad.

I hate it when

I hate it when I lose a follower. I recently did.


Wow! No air conditioning in my car LOL. The car sits in the sun from about 10 to about 2:40. Sounds fun, doesn't it? I forgot to roll down my windows b4 I got in LOL but I would much prefer the 120 degree or so heat as compared to say, 14 degrees. I know from experience that it's much better than when the polar vortex came a few years ago in the winter.

Strange Dream Last Night

I just remembered a dream that I had just last night. I dreamt that me and some other people were somewhere out in the wild with forests around us, and we met some interesting characters. You know, it's really amusing just what the mind comes up with at night, especially because sometimes I dream of stuff that seems to not be related to my thoughts/experiences during the previous 24 hours. Anyhow, the characters that we meet were the two brothers and someone else of the Discovery Channel's Alaskan Bush People. I was thrilled and wanted a selfie. All of a sudden, many people started appearing I guess to see the bush people. They showed us what living in the wild is like. They urged us to swim through a swamp. I hadn't thought about this over the previous days, so it's still baffling that I had such a dream.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

I'm wondering how to overcome psychological pain. I try to accept physical pain, such as when I eat chili peppers. I have long wondered whether or not overcoming physical pain is a gateway to conquering physical pain.
Sometimes I feel as though I've been kicked in the crotch; I often feel emotionally drained; It's like a lack of adrenaline or some other chemical that makes me feel like this; I almost wish that pain was nonexistent or that perhaps someone could convince me that it's actually a great feeling, because then I could let psychological pain pass me by and be able to finally accept it. I remember reading about a painting that was an analogy of pain. The painting might be ugly to you, but can someone convince you that the painting's nice? Will your perception then change? That's about my problem, the problem would go away at least a little if I could move out by myself. Then if my question doesn't get answered, I will have some solace. However, I have to say, the pain that has plagued my life so far seems like a scar that might never go away. You try to stop thinking about it, but it doesn't get better with time. I could continue to pretend that I'm fine and that I'm smiling and all that but that would be fake. Things must change. I don't know if things can change for the better. Although I know that there can be a change for the different.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

I Don't Know What Else To Write About

There are probably many things right now that I would like to write about, but I can't think of any at the moment. I wish that things would change with my life. I wish my life would change. I wrote something that wasn't true, something that someone told me. Now I can't turn it around. I'm not earning $14 an hour. Instead, I'm earning well, less. What do you think right now?

Canada in September

I want to go to Canada For The fall. I want to visit Nova Scotia with my new camera

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Things Must Change

Things must change for the better. This is unacceptable. I see that many things aren't changing. Perhaps in a hundred years, in another life, after I become reincarnated. Maybe I will eventually live a life on Earth that's good. I think that it's possible! I'm turning my life around, but life doesn't want to turn around for me.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Fake Beer

Ahh, when you buy a Mtn Dew Black Label and people think it's beer!

New Day!!!!!!!

It's the start of a new day. It's time to celebrate!!!!! It's official; it's now July 15, 2017. What are your plans? It's mid July, and I still haven't been on vacation. I guess I'll get vacation in Fall, so I'm going to be as patient as nobody's business. I hate it, but I have to get over it somehow. Total solar eclipse August 21. You know, I'm interested in ordering the pay-per-view fight called Mayweather VS. Mcgregor. Man. My job goes by kind of quick, and yet it couldn't be any more monotonous. It's extremely repetitive.

I Just Got A New ND Filter For My Camera

So I recently ordered an ND filter for my camera, after welding glass didn't work so well. I got the only 12 stop ND filter I could find from Amazon; stay tuned for the review. Only one brand makes this, only one option, one of a kind!

The Greatest Evil Of Them All

What is the greatest evil of all in this life of ours? My philosophy on life, is that the greatest evil that's ever been is boredom. I've spent so much of my time being bored. It's worse than being hated. And I despise it. I think that life is not about having much money or stuff, and not even necessarily about being or staying happy; instead, I think that life should be about escaping boredom. Try to remember this advice.

Life In America

This is about my life in America. I was born and raised in the southern region of Michigan. I grew up in a middle class family. I have had a desire to be either a mechanical engineer or artist, for quite a while. I've also spent much of my time studying geography, as well as photography, as a hobby. I'm not exceptionally social; that is, I don't talk to strangers much though when I do, the conversation goes well without a problem. I live pretty much in the country, about 2 miles away from the closest town, with a population of about 5,500 people or so. Much of my family was born and raised in Poland. although there are some very slight traces of non-polish foreign ancestry in the family.
I currently work in the capital of Michigan, as a quality inspector of clothing, and I earn about $14 per hour, which is about the equivalent of what a lawyer in Poland would earn as of today. I think that there's more freedom in the US than in Poland, and it's different here, because there seems to be more countryside. Here in the US, more people seem to be concentrated in cities as opposed to the countryside, but in Poland, people are more dispersed, with many more villages and cobblestone streets; in Poland, many things seem to be more expensive than in America, and people there like to spend much on fences to guard their houses. The laws in the US are generally much more strict, and in Poland people usually get work leave jail time. In other words, they get to keep their job. However, there is one thing that seems to be more strict in Poland. And that would be religion. It seems as though people there are relatively intolerant to foreign influence, at least when it comes to religion, as opposed to the US, where there is a variety of religions as well as philosophical perspectives. Unlike here in the US, usually what happens in Poland is that multiple generations of people live in the same house, whereas in the US many people move often. I would consider myself different from many Polish people because of the fact that I'd like to move out frequently to live in various places, and I'm not strict when it comes to religion. I generally prefer philosophy over religion. However besides this, the architecture in Poland is usually MUCH older than in US; You rarely if ever find castles in the US. I would really love to make such an insightful comparison not just with Poland, but also with every country in the world. I'm still wondering how peoples' attitude differs between Poland and the US. I mean, I have a somewhat general idea of peoples' attitudes and personalities in both countries, though I would like to know the demographics. I can't tolerate how unpleasant some people in America are, but at the same time, I can't tolerate how childish Polish people are.
Getting back to my job, to be honest I think it's not bad pay although I think that I would prefer landscaping. Not everyone would dislike my job, or think that it's boring, though I think that it's monotonous. The main reason that I have wanted to be an engineer is because I want to be able to start off saving up so that I can invest lots into something that interests me and could make me eventually be able to make a living off of my hobby. I have also considered geology, as well as recreational jobs to have; by recreational, I mean working for the parks service; that should go well with photography. However, despite the fact that America seems so great by many, college can be quite expensive.
I am currently pretty satisfied with my life; do I want more than what I already have? I would say yes, a little more.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

What I Dislike About Modern Cameras; What It's Like To Buy Electronics These Days

Today, cameras are more advanced than ever, and some are packed to the brim with features; but there's something that I dislike about modern cameras. I'm the kind of person that usually only takes RAW format photos. Meanwhile, so many of the features in today's cameras can only be used in Jpeg format. So unfortunately, I didn't think of this that much when buying a camera. So I spent approximately a few hundred dollars on features that I probably won't ever use! Sigh. I have to be more smart of buying stuff next time. There can be so many things, or aspects, to consider when buying something that's electronic, that it can definitely be a daunting, or challenging, task just to research something fully before you can decide about what to purchase. Again, it's unfortunate but I suppose that's what college is for...just kidding! When it comes to cameras though, probably as it is with cell phones or other gizmos, as you research more and more details/specifications, and/or more and more options to purchase, you come across a virtual explosions of various advantages and disadvantages, which can also be compromises, especially if you are on a budget and want something of high quality. Or, in other words, if you have high demands and are on a tight budget, then you will most likely need to compromise on lots of aspects, or trade-offs. That's how it is with the modern world of electronics these days! In my honest opinion, I prefer (I think it's better) to buy the correct image-editing program and taking pictures using RAW format, as opposed to all of the less-professional in-camera editing tools such as retro, toy camera, and other such photo modes. I would recommend just using the P/A/S/M modes, and then editing the photo in post.

Monday, July 10, 2017

If the winter had been mild

One day, the president of the United States declares a state of emergency as UFOs are reported over Wyoming. Aliens soon land in the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, the Germans are quickly advancing past Moscow, while the Japanese attack the western world. The winter of 1941 to 1942 is relatively mild; meanwhile, the winter in America is extremely cold. This allows for great gains by the Americans against the Japanese, but the fate of the Japanese is much different in Russia. The Third Reich creates a special plane that can fly in space, to carry nuclear weapons. This plane flies down in an extremely broad swoop, dropping nukes in various locations in Russia, in a 320 miles swath, each explosion separated by approximately 12 miles. Russia creates hypersonic planes that drop troops deep into enemy territory, to the west of Russia. This is a gamble that will either cause the Red Army to disintegrate or lead them to victory. Meanwhile, the Japanese assembly their forces into a fractal-like pattern, with a large main group of troops surrounded by three smaller groups, each of which is surrounded by three other groups, and so on. While the Russians are not successful against the Germans in the west, or Europe, their plan seems to be causing the Germans in Russia to fall apart in some ways. Meanwhile, the Japanese have now reached Alaska. The Americans decide to drop tiny atomic bombs all around Alaska, in a round perimeter, to create a restricted zone that, if successful, would create an exclusion zone from which a large number of Japanese troops couldn't escape from. This is the beginning of a great story.

What Should I Write About Next

What should I write about next? Please leave a comment or message me

Who Is This?!

Using Welding Glass As An ND Filter

I've been trying to use a piece of welding glass as a filter for my camera. This is an Update; I found that the best way to attach it to my camera is probably to tape it onto an existing filter such as a UV or PL. I also found that it's practically impossible to avoid vignetting. It's practically impossible to get rid of the color cost in post post processing using Photoshop Elements 15 and/or GIMP. To keep vignetting to a minimum, I had to apply tape right on the edges so that it was barely holding. That's not good because that way, I risk light leaks that can cause internal reflections. I zoomed in on the image 100% and I can't notice any reduction of image quality. It would have worked out better with a square piece of glass, but I think I'll just opt for a regular filter. so that I can achieve 15 second or so exposures in midday lighting. 

Getting more views from Portugal

I feel like it's time to celebrate, eh? I'm starting to get more views on my blog from Portugal, as well as gotten some from Germany, one from Saudi Arab Emirates, dozens from Russia, etc.

Re: New Cell Phone Tech

I recently wrote about new cell phone tech that can essentially detect radio waves. That makes me think a perplexing thought: how about if my mind could do the same?!

Cool Cameras At The Electronics Store

I seen some cool cameras at the local Best Buy. My favorite one would probably be the Sony A7 for about $1,1099 with lens.

How's It Going?!

How's it going?! It seems like the start of a great new week. I'm going to start a new job here pretty soon so that I can afford more of what I want and so I can write more neat posts

I Don't Want To Be A Nice Person

Do you remember this?  Yeah...and so you'd probably think I was crazy or something? No, that was honest writing that was true. And I'm still thinking this way because it's my philosophy. I wish it were eventually time for good news, but no good news will ever make up for ANYTHING. I didn't mean to do anything horrible, but as I've tried mentioning, I have the impression that I must've done horrible things, because apparently I've deserved a life which is psychologically oppressive. I have been a fool in the past, but I've changed and a multitude of things is not getting better but rather life is getting worse with time; the more I think about specific events which I always remember, the worse life seems. It was once a battlefield, and now things are turning around, although only myself is changing; the people around me are not. So it won't make a difference. That's why I've been indifferent, because the people around me are indifferent. It's why I tend to have negative thoughts. I won't stop with negative thoughts until the people around me turn around their behavior, then I will consider changing. I'm a stubborn person and that's the way I was born; and mean people are not nice. I live with some stubborn people and hate it. It's horrible. Oh wait, I've been yelled at for the simplest things and have felt before as though the worst would happen; Sorry people, but I can't tolerate that so no, I won't change because I've come to realize that those around me just want to practically forget what they're like so I will forget about turning my life around. Sure, it might be a psychological challenge to stay who you are, and for me it's extremely difficult to be myself at times but I probably shouldn't turn my life around and be a nice person because it's not working. I refuse to be a nice person. Obviously, it's not good for public relations to be bad; but the problem is, I was born this way. I don't think I'm a loser though. That would be a foolish thought. It's great to be brave and tell what you're thinking. That is what I think about my philosophy.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

The camera that I want

Here are the specifications of a camera that I wish makers would come out with: Large sensor compact, probably the size of a Sony A6000, and the following features. Here are the specifications of a camera that I wish makers would come out with: Large sensor compact, probably the size of a Sony A6000, and the following features:
  1. Focus Stacking
  2. 85mm diameter lens (Prime), haven't decided on focal length as long as it's not fisheye. I'm thinking of a lens that's sharpest at a low aperture such as f/16, so maybe make it like an f/7 lens. Doesn't necessarily have to be interchangeable.
  3. Many elements in many groups for the lens
  4. Pixel Shift mode (ability to increase resolution by twice by taking four identical photos)
  5. In-camera HDR
  6. Five-Axis image stability, optical and in-body
  7. Ability of the lens to focus as close as possible 
  8. Image averaging
  9. 5 megapixels? I want it to be great in lowlight

New Cell Phone Tech

New cell phone tech can harvest energy from ambient photons, as well as radio waves! This will be a paradigm shift in cell phone technology

The Legend Of Loyesky

Loyesky is an Orthodox man living in the remote wilderness of Alaska. He gets mysterious letters every now and then from Russia, from an unknown source. The letters are about the coming apocalypse. Loyesky decides to then move to Verkhoyansk, Russia. There he meets up with a stranger named Maronek Gikov. Gikov has grand plans to throw his enemy, the Great Klaus Franz, and to create a puppet government in Germany. But there's a problem: Loyesky is slowly beginning to turn into a German supporter.

Friday, July 7, 2017

My intuition tells me you will get up at 3 am today (or tomorrow, depending on your time zone)

I miss writing creatively

I miss writing creatively. I would miss the cars as they would change color according to how fast they were going, or the mushrooms that would grow quicker or faster according to wind direction! Mushrooms would create their own microclimates. A rainbow made up of various air temperature, not colors. The air would give off a greenish or purplish tint, according to the air pressure. When barometric pressure departed from normal, the air would turn green or purple, according to if the air pressure was going up or down; occasionally, the air would turn orange for unknown reason. The air would get brighter the faster it would move, so wind would effectively glow! Think about a world that is wonderful, not just the world in which you live in. And if you can make that world become a reality, then that would probably be even better!
What if the Third Reich had conquered all of the Soviet Union?! What if Japan had defeated the Soviets? What if the Third Reich had totally lost but Japan had took over the world? What if, on the other side, we all had to speak English by the year 2210? What if it was not the Third Reich, or Japan who had took over the world, but the Soviet Union, or some mysterious nation such as Romania?
What if the germans, not the british, had colonized America well over a hundred years ago? What if the Bolsheviks had colonized America from the beginning? What would be the result of the World Wars?
How would aliens landing during the cold war affect the cold war?

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Today is too boring. Yesterday was too boring. The day before that was horrible, and the previous day was not good. I'm ready for something different. Let me try to make a premonition. My premonition is that tomorrow morning, there will be a great sunrise. That's because from Friday, the 7th, something great will begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know that for a fact, I'm just saying

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Everything's Funny, But...

Even if everything were to be funny, I have never liked life. It might be funny, but true. I have been concerned and nervous too much over my life. Writing is a form of release. I need to escape but to where?! I get the impression that I must've done horrible things in my life, despite the fact that it's not true. Based on how I'm feeling often, I must have done horrific things to deserve being so nervous. I know somethings that could help, but I doubt that they are practical. Nervousness and concern from within overwhelms anything else, whether it be intimidation, anger, sadness, depression, etc. It's equivalent to pain itself. I guess that it is a kind of psychological pain. It's horrible because it's not helping me, only making me feel worse!
I don't feel well today. I feel as though I will never get better. Life is too depressing sometimes, and so there is practically no room to have a great feeling. I don't deserve this because I'm not currently hurting anyone. My psychological state is so oppressive to me, I feel horrible inside often. I get the impression that pretty much nothing is worth it anymore. I've taken some absolutely bad turns, both psychologically and physically, but not intentionally. I seem to have good intent but it's not recognized by some. And then you might ask yourself, why do I have to write like this? Because I feel as though not writing this means I'm faking...faking happiness, faking that everything's alright. You can't replace one life with another, and so that's what I've been thinking recently. I can't go on not writing my thoughts, or else I will be sad.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

This photo was made when the moon was low in the sky. I lit up the foreground with a UV flashlight, which came out brighter than what I had intended. I wanted to show a beam of light but it didn't show up well in the photo. You can see star trail in the background.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Some notes for the 4th

So just yesterday I ordered some glass. It's supposed to be used for welding, but I decided to use it in the future for photography, as a dense filter. I was able to find a 50mm circular piece of #14, equivalent to about 18 stops of density. That's going to be SWEET! Now I'm going to be able to take long exposures during the day. I already have an ND filter that's 9 stops but I find that in some lighting situations, the filter is not dark enough. I was hoping that I could combine the two for even darker glass. I'm still wondering just how I'm going to attach that welder's glass to my camera, which has a 49mm filter adaptor (thread). any idea?
It was perplexing to hear about the 70 year old lady living in the remote Russian wilderness, an individual who hasn't been aware of the fact that World War 2 was happening. And I mean perplexing in a rather good way, not just because she lives so remotely but also because of her Orthodox tradition, which is really something.

Мои мысли о России и Америки

Вы можете знать, Америка может быть интригующим местом. Мои любимые места в Америке, Калифорния, Вашингтон, Аляска, Западная Виргиния, штат Вирджиния, Юта, Аризона, Миннесота, Южная Дакота и Колорадо. Я просто, кто живет в Мичигане. Я хотел бы посетить Россию некоторый день. Недавно я слышал о женщине, которая составляет 70 лет. Ее православная религия недоумение, в хорошем смысле. Я думаю, что он имеет недоумение, причина потому что я нет практически ничего о России. Конечно читаю о нем, но читать о ем не дает его справедливости. Я хочу, чтобы выйти и жить в дикой природе.

Time, Please Slow down

Time is running away from me, I realize that it's there before I can even get a grasp of it. I'm only 22. Oh dear, how quickly will time be going away like in 10 years? 20 years? Please slow down. Take a moment yourself to appreciate time.

Tomorrow be a good day!!!!!!

Tomorrow be a good day!!!!!!

Я только 22 лет, но время побега меня

Время уходит от меня, я понимаю, что это там, прежде чем я даже могу понять его. Я только 22. О Боже, как быстро будет время идти прочь как в 10 лет? 20 лет? Пожалуйста, замедлить. Найдите минутку, самостоятельно оценить время. Я не знаю о России, но то, что происходит в нашем мире? Прошлой ночью я смотрел документальный фильм о леди, которая живет в Сибири, 70 лет и не знал что мировой войны 2 происходит. Если у меня есть достаточно удачи в конечном итоге, то я должен сказать вам, что я, уверен, как все, надеюсь, что я забуду этой жизни для блага.

Light Years Close: Looking Inward Into The Future; The Smallest Scale Of Reality=The Present?

As you might know already, by looking at the night sky at stars or planets, you are looking back in time. If you are looking at a star light years away, then you are looking years back in time. When you are looking at something in the distance, say a plane that's 35,000 feet above you, then you are looking approximately 1 billionth of a second or so into the past. So what happens once you get closer to the mind? You get closer to the future! The mind is essentially the present. How do you look into the future though? Is there another dimension that exists in an opposite direction (inward) as opposed to the Universe in general? That is the riddle of the future. Perhaps we won't be able to achieve this kind of feat, because it takes time for the brain to process information, leaving us ever stuck in the past! What do you think? By looking at quantum mechanics, will we discover the present? Please follow this blog for more perplexing questions to ponder.

Just Wow!

It's already July?! I'm afraid of how fast time moves about.
Today will be good day!!!!!

Wow, it's already past 12:00?!

Wow, time flies by quickly!!!!! I can't wait till I'm 100 years old, then time will fly by super quickly

Why not use this kind of camera for paranormal? (And some scientific insight)

Have you ever heard about the cameras that are being used for paranormal investigations? Most of the time there's a ghost show on TV, the crew that's filming is using Infrared cameras or thermal cameras at night. Why don't they film during the day?
And if I were someone who was trying to capture paranormal activity, I would try to use a camera such as this one: Now, you might argue that you could just use a full spectrum camera, which seems is what people sometimes do. I see a problem with full spectrum, though. Yes, even though a full spectrum camera can usually see more light than an Infrared, Visible, or especially UV camera, the thing is that a full spectrum camera focuses on a relatively broad spectrum of light. That can be a problem as well as a benefit. The problem comes in when you want to get sharp pictures. As camera's pixels increase, we need sharper lenses to get a clear picture. If you focus on a narrow band of light, you can obtain sharper images. When we use a camera that sees Ultraviolet only, we get rid of the Infrared and Visible spectrum, which would otherwise drown out anything that is visible in Ultraviolet, and diffraction can take place unless a high quality lens is used, which can be pricy. Let's compare this problem to an analogy in which you are studying in college! If you focus on too much at once, then you are probably not going to be as successful as if you were to focus on something specific.
And how about focusing on various bands of the UV spectrum to map bands that are, say, 1nm wide, into the RGB spectrum? This logic could even apply to IR or visible photography. Also, even though we only see Red, Green, and Blue, we can divide these colors up into ever smaller spectrums. This is a reason why we can create so many colors. Just like there is not just North, South, East and West; there is also NNE, SSW, etc. But we only see down to a certain wavelength. That's why I think we should create a camera that can focus on a band of light that is so narrow that it goes beyond our spectral resolution; let's create another analogy, to explain this. Let's say that the same logic applies to distance; let's think about red, green, and blue as the 1 inch, 2 inch, and 3 inch mark on a ruler. Because our color receptors only see in these three what I would call "dimensions" (figuratively speaking), we are limited. After all, there are also halves of an inch,  kind of like creating an extra color. However, there is a single, smallest unit of distance which we can see. The smallest unit that we can see is down to about 0.01 degrees. So we can create a telescope to zoom in on stars that are apparently separated by arc seconds, not degrees. Or we can create a microscope to see things much smaller than the width of a human hair, which would probably be too small to see. See where I'm going with this? We can create a camera that can resolve bands of light too small for us to distinguish with our own vision. Because, as I've already mentioned, light is essentially composed of an unknown, possible indeterminate, amount of wavelengths (not colors, as colors are officially a product of the brain's processing). So, I truly hope that this makes sense and if it doesn't then please reread this as it might take some time for some people to "decode".

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Почему бы не использовать этот вид камеры для паранормальных? (и некоторые научные исследования)

Вы когда-нибудь слышали о камерах, которые используются для расследования паранормальных случаев? Большая часть времени-шоу-призраков по телевизору, команда, которая снималась в кино, использует инфракрасные камеры или тепловые камеры в ночное время. Почему они не снимают в день?
И если бы я был кем-то, кто пытался захватить Паранормальное действие, я бы попытался использовать такую камеру, как эта: Теперь вы можете утверждать, что вы можете использовать полный спектр фотокамеры, что, кажется, иногда делает люди. Но я вижу проблему с полным спектром. Да, несмотря на то, что фотокамера с полным спектром может видеть больше света, чем инфракрасное, видимое или особенно ультрафиолетовое излучение, это то, что фотокамера полного спектра фокусируется на относительно широком спектре света. Это может быть проблемой, а также выгодой. Проблема возникает, когда требуется получить резкие снимки. По мере увеличения пикселов фотокамеры нам нужны более четкие объективы, чтобы получить четкую картину. Если сосредоточиться на узкой полосе света, можно получить более резкие снимки. При использовании фотокамеры, которая видит только ультрафиолетовое излучение, мы избавиться от инфракрасного и видимого спектра, который в противном случае утонул бы в ультрафиолетовом диапазоне, и диффрактион может осуществляться, если не используется высококачественный объектив, который может быть очень шумно. Давайте сравним эту проблему с аналогией, в которой вы учитесь в колледже! Если вы слишком много внимания уделяете, тогда вы, вероятно, не будете настолько успешными, как если бы вы сосредоточились на чем-то конкретном.
А как насчет сосредоточения на различных диапазонах ультрафиолетового спектра для картирования полос, которые, скажем, 1Нм ширину, в спектр RGB? Эта логика может даже применяться к ИК-или видимой фотографии. Кроме того, несмотря на то, что мы видим только красный, зеленый и синий, мы можем разделить эти цвета на все более мелкие спектра. Это причина, по которой мы можем создавать так много цветов. Так же, как и Север, Юг, Восток и Запад; Есть также нне, ССВ и т. д. Но мы видим только на определённую длину волны. Вот почему я думаю, что мы должны создать камеру, которая может сосредоточиться на группе света, которая настолько узкая, что выходит за рамки нашего спектрального разрешения; Давайте создадим еще одну аналогию, чтобы объяснить это. Допустим, что та же логика применяется к расстоянию; Давайте подумаем о красном, зеленом и синем в качестве отметки 1 дюйм, 2 дюйма и 3 дюйма на линейке. Поскольку наши цветовые рецепторы видят только в этих трех, что я назвал бы "измерениями" (образно говоря), мы ограничены. В конце концов, есть и половины дюйма, вроде как создание дополнительного цвета. Однако есть одна, наименьшая единица расстояния, которую мы видим. Наименьшая единица измерения, которую мы видим, составляет около 0,01 градусов. Поэтому мы можем создать телескоп для увеличения масштаба звёзд, которые, по всей видимости, разделены на секунды, а не на градусы. Или мы можем создать микроскоп, чтобы увидеть вещи гораздо меньше, чем ширина человеческих волос, которые, вероятно, будут слишком малы, чтобы увидеть. Видишь, куда я иду? Мы можем создать камеру, которая может разрешать диапазоны света, слишком маленькие для нас, чтобы отличить собственное видение. Потому что, как я уже упоминал, свет в основном состоит из неизвестного, возможно неопределенного, количества длин волн (не цветов, поскольку цвета официально являются продуктом обработки мозга). Поэтому я искренне надеюсь, что это имеет смысл, и если не будет, то, пожалуйста, перечитайте это, так как для некоторых людей может потребоваться некоторое время для "расшифровки".