Thursday, July 13, 2017

What I Dislike About Modern Cameras; What It's Like To Buy Electronics These Days

Today, cameras are more advanced than ever, and some are packed to the brim with features; but there's something that I dislike about modern cameras. I'm the kind of person that usually only takes RAW format photos. Meanwhile, so many of the features in today's cameras can only be used in Jpeg format. So unfortunately, I didn't think of this that much when buying a camera. So I spent approximately a few hundred dollars on features that I probably won't ever use! Sigh. I have to be more smart of buying stuff next time. There can be so many things, or aspects, to consider when buying something that's electronic, that it can definitely be a daunting, or challenging, task just to research something fully before you can decide about what to purchase. Again, it's unfortunate but I suppose that's what college is for...just kidding! When it comes to cameras though, probably as it is with cell phones or other gizmos, as you research more and more details/specifications, and/or more and more options to purchase, you come across a virtual explosions of various advantages and disadvantages, which can also be compromises, especially if you are on a budget and want something of high quality. Or, in other words, if you have high demands and are on a tight budget, then you will most likely need to compromise on lots of aspects, or trade-offs. That's how it is with the modern world of electronics these days! In my honest opinion, I prefer (I think it's better) to buy the correct image-editing program and taking pictures using RAW format, as opposed to all of the less-professional in-camera editing tools such as retro, toy camera, and other such photo modes. I would recommend just using the P/A/S/M modes, and then editing the photo in post.

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